I am Here

My relationship with my mom is probably the most complex relationship I have in my life. We are just like the north and south pole. I can only count with my fingers the things that we actually like the same. When I was younger, we used to spend our time discussing on what to choose. Looking back in life, I never really thought that our relationship would evolve into something we had right now. Maybe being a parent myself has made me understand her ways more than anything. And I am really happy that we have now reached that level of our relationship which is based on understanding and respect (understanding is more on me to her and respect is more on her to me).

And with that, I made a page for her.

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Paper by Taylor Made Designs

Our relationship has been through a lot of ups and downs and I can say that it had stood the test of time. I know that you have a lot of expectations from me and me to you but the bottom line is we are not perfect individuals and we will never be. But God created both of us to be perfect for each other as a mom and daughter. Even if God will give me the power to go back in time and choose, I still would choose you to be my mom for I am what I am and I am here where I am right now because of you.
Now being a parent myself has taught me a lot of things; things that I would have not understood many years ago while I was growing up. But if I have to go back in time, I just want you to know that would still choose the same path leading to where I am right now because I want you to know that I am happy with you, my husband,kids and life in general. But, I would really want to skip the times when I have given you loads of headaches and heartaches while I was growing up.
I thank God everyday for you for you have made my life complete. Your words of wisdom will always be remembered in my heart. I am proud of who you are not only because you are my mom but you are also a very beautiful person inside and out. You are truly a an angel and a blessing to all of us and to the people around you. Never ever doubt that. And eventhough we might live thousands of miles apart, know that I am always here for you. I love you Nanay.


LifeAsDINKers (Ava-J) said...

thats a nice page...lets honor our moms while we still have them to cherish!

LifeAsDINKers (Ava-J) said...

thats a nice page...lets honor our moms while we still have them to cherish!

Shelly said...

So true Ava...